{ "splash": { "default": "Loading...", "save": "Saving..." }, "media": { "message1": "This contents can't insert the media.", "message2": "Not selected the media." }, "related": { "message1": "The same entry already exists." }, "unload": { "message1": "Form data has not been sent." }, "observefilesize": { "message1": "Warning: File size exceeds the upper limit. \n\n", "message2": "File Name", "message3": "Size", "message4": "Number of file", "message5": "Total size", "message6": "Maximum size", "message7": "Selected file size is too large to upload them safely\n", "message8": "Register it after shrinking the file size", "message9": "Register them in multiple times", "message10": "bytes" }, "submitlock": { "message1": "Sending..." }, "direct_edit_sort": { "message1": "Updating failed." }, "direct_edit": { "message1": "You might have intended to add an empty unit or failed to update because of logout. Please login to the system again", "message2": "Selected unit will be deleted. This operation can't be reverted." }, "revision.message1": { "message1": "Selected version will be deleted. This operation can't be reverted." }, "edit": { "message1": "Move to trash.\nAre you sure you want to continue?", "message2": "Restore entry as privately.\nAre you sure you want to continue?", "message3": "Searching...", "message4": "Data has been saved in the storage. Are you sure you want to restore this entry?", "message5": "Restore", "message6": "Cancel", "message7": "Saving..." }, "unit": { "message1": "Are you sure you want to delete this unit?" }, "geo": { "message1": "Remove the location information", "message2": "Add the location information" }, "datepic": { "close": "Close", "prev": "<Prev", "next": "Next>", "current": "Today", "month": { "jan": "Jan.", "feb": "Feb.", "mar": "Mar.", "apr": "Apr.", "may": "May.", "jun": "Jun.", "jul": "Jul.", "aug": "Aug.", "sep": "Sep.", "oct": "Oct.", "nov": "Nov.", "dec": "Dec." }, "week": { "sun": "Sunday.", "mon": "Monday.", "tue": "Tuesday.", "wed": "Wednesday.", "thu": "Thursday.", "fri": "Friday.", "sat": "Saturday." }, "week_short": { "sun": "Sun.", "mon": "Mon.", "tue": "Tue.", "wed": "Wed.", "thu": "Thu.", "fri": "Fri.", "sat": "Sat." }, "week_min": { "sun": "S.", "mon": "M.", "tue": "Tu.", "wed": "W.", "thu": "Th.", "fri": "F.", "sat": "S." } }, "highslide": { "loading_text": "Loading...", "loading_title": "Click to cancel.", "expand_title": "Display as is.", "restore_title": "Click to display image with original size." }, "module_management": { "reload_msg": "Are you sure you want to reload the screen?", "unit_direct_add_msg": "You can't add module units while using direct editing mode. You can add them from the edit page." }, "a_table": { "not_newline": "No newline", "bold": "Bold", "top_alignment": "Align top", "center_alignment": "Align center", "bottom_alignment": "Align bottom", "merge_cell": "merge cell", "split_cell": "split cell", "change_to_th": "change to th", "change_to_td": "change to td", "align_left": "align left", "align_center": "align center", "align_right": "align right", "add_column_left": "insert column on the left", "add_column_right": "insert column on the right", "remove_column": "remove column", "add_row_top": "insert row above", "add_row_bottom": "insert row below", "remove_row": "remove row", "source": "Source", "merge_cell_error1": "All possible cells should be selected so to merge cells into one", "merge_cell_confirm1": "The top left cell's value of the selected range will only be saved. Are you sure you want to continue?", "paste_error1": "You can't paste here", "split_error1": "Cell is not selected", "split_error2": "Only one cell should be selected", "split_error3": "You can't split the cell anymore" }, "modal_video": { "aria_open_msg": "You just openned the modal video.", "dismiss_msg": "Close the modal by clicking here." }, "field_group_sortable": { "delete_msg": "Remove this item. Are you sure you want to continue?", "overflow_msg1": "You can add at most", "overflow_msg2": "items in total." } }